I am the oppressed, and you are the master, holding me since birth, as I am evolutions disaster. I have a tendency for violent outbreaks, created by institutionalized racism, they say be "normal", there are choices... yet within our beliefs there is a chasm.
For I was born without an option, and went where I was led, my only freedom was my adoption, into the gangs for whom I bled.
While society cites me as a statistic, I am just an average man, pushed to the point of being sadistic, because for the blacks there is no plan.
Do not group me with the heathens, or make me out to be a sociopath, I went where I saw life's beacons, and as a child I was caught in that wrath.
Someday this will all end, that day that I will be dead, revolution will strike society, like a bullet in the head.