beautiful beast, i can't let you free; I have to keep you leashed to my brain. it's not a good idea for you to be running loose. you would be perceived as dangerous. "hide your children. hide!"
don't struggle against the choke collar. you won't starve. you won't starve. you won't starve.
everything i want to say gets l ost in the fray. don't struggle against the choke c ollar. because it's choking me. stay clos e by, keep me company. there Is plenty of food out there. there is plenty of fo od. there is plenty of fooD somewhere.
i t hi nk you're too scary to catch your quarry. i have to ke ep you here. leashed. all you want is out of reach anyway, mutt. in the trees, in the clou ds on the map, in my hea d in bits of pap er, in bites of met alloids.
don't struggle you keep me alive. against th e choke co llar. y ou won't st arve. just feed on me. j ust feed on m e ju st fE edo nme. b ea uti f u l b ea be st. a u ti