Wings set adrift for a tomorrow that worries for itself. Wind's plaything whose opulence restores all retiring worlds. As if thought perfected down to its wire connects and disconnects freely the Whole. Pointedly that Whole knows of itself, and as yet to know of itself--that lapse that furthers vision in a flash. By all soothing shadows that swim hardboiled things... resigned amongst the transit of other things, partaking thereby becoming...momentarily. The welcome home of thing unto itself whose shadowy screen blew about a holy commune, bows now to its place to know of it, as an angelic head superseding gravity. By blood geared below the surface lapping feverishly... till a luminosity assays flesh. Strange the way, The Way is an instant a world forgoes itself without changing its heading. Lone and left to, what's lone and left to...for what profits an eternity but that which must attain it.