Look upon the shanty town of plenty town where 'those' people live and those who have will seldom give, In shanty town we barely survive on humbleness and outright lies.
Look, now comes the infantry, marching three by three. What is it that they see ? but more and more, they've seen it all a thousand times before, poverty in every doorway.
No gay hussars ,these infantry, they come not to set 'those' people free but to shoot them down.
The don in his board and gown may be bright and know a deal but this is the place where his hypothesis is real and lives are at stake.
In Oxford where they take a break from studies which the privileged make their own,then go home and make some English tea, I guess that's being free, for a fee, but we don't want no chi We Just want a chance to fly as high as others ,who in shanty town would want to do the same?
From Belize or from Tobruk,Brighton,Glasgow we don't give a flying... tuck your wings in guys and watch the bullets fly, watch your dreams die hear your kids cry nothing's changed except the rules.