I'm either always second choice or not even a choice at all I'm the girl who fights tears during slow songs at the dances no one ever asks me to go to with them while my friends go off and dance in the arms of guys who asked them to but I never get asked to dance so I watch silently because nobody wants to dance with me I'm the girl who has never looked in the mirror and felt beautiful or even pretty not even half decent never even average not even just plain never felt ugly either but every. single. time. I feel hideous and worthless and repulsive and ashamed of my face and my body and then I feel ashamed all over again of my vanity and pathetic obsession with being beautiful with FEELING beautiful because roses are roses and weeds are weeds born a rose, you're a rose born a ****, well, you're a **** like me. and roses will be beautiful but weeds won't. End of story.