The queen of the coffee house Sips away at her hot drink, Looking quite royal as she banters With her equally regal girlfriend. She sports a Greek goddess armband And the dress of a Spanish gypsy.
The queen of the coffee house Wears a pendant of gold Which rests halfway between Her belly button and her chin, Nestled neatly among Curly locks of sunshine.
The queen of the coffee house Reclines on hillsides at sunset, Stretched across Persian linens, Eating pomegranates and vines of grapes, Whispering sonnets into the wind, And strumming French folk tunes on an antique ukulele.
Actually, the queen of the coffee house Appears to be a business major, With such words as “stock” and “invest” And “income” and “finance” Bleeding across the room from her table. So much for the whole gypsy thing.