multimedia macramé sloshing propaganda sewage on the unsuspecting public ***** lice infest ****** hill folk west Virginia outbreak threatening the world as we know it flesh altering nonsense explicitly graphed charting movement of microbes on air, land, and/ or sea global currents the new deliverer of death – infected immigrants sit smiling internment camps providing nutrition never before experienced as non-natives negotiate freedom by submitting to vaccinations baths and the standard delousing powder – paranoid hand-sanitizer users glued to the **** tube spray their shoes with disinfectant praying to an absent GOD for health while shoveling GMO corn chips into ever widening mouth holes pharmaceutical companies lick lifeless lips as Congress recognizes their humanity while rejecting the concerns of the poor … money in it – outlandish claims of outbreaking Ebola flood the mainstream outlets fear: version – infinity one more plague plan to stimulate new legislation more law no touching even looking at the infirm can be cause for isolation radiation treatments courtesy of Fukushima, reactors 1-4 – new found focus on fracturing the shale releasing new oil reserves and old bacteria dinosaur killers free-radicals radically changing the genetic code humanity altered once again –