if you are my friend we're joined at the hip you don't have to worry about how i may slip.
if you are my friend i am tried and true you don't have to worry i will not leave you.
if you are my friend I'm there forever come hell or high water come stormy weather
i know what it's like to be at rope's end and find nothing more than fair weather friends.
to be so down death looks like pleasure to drink of a cup of pain without measure.
SO. I DON'T LEAVE FRIENDS. as they're all that I have. they stand up for me they are life's salve.
if you are my friend you are not alone if you are my friend...
... it's down to the BONE.
♥ Catherine
I'm feeling that someone Needs to read this. I'm feeling sad about The people on my last site. I don't want to lose touch...
If you are a friend on this Site and I seem to have Forgotten you? Don't worry. I haven't. I am in touch with Each one of you in the spirit. I'm on the site message system As much as reading. If you want to talk drop me a Line or two. I'm THERE.
I'm a slow reader/typist. I may not read right away. But I go through a group Of poems at a time.
I want to say how very Honored I am to be here With you ALL!