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Oct 2014
My mother always tells me--
"Sweetie make sure you're not out too late, you wouldn't want to get *****.
You never know what will happen when you're walking the streets alone, always carry your phone.
Honey, never dress too provocatively you never know which eyes will see.
So please, cover up. Are you sure you don't want to wear the fleece?
There are sick people in this world
always be aware, you can't trust anyone anymore.
Never leave the house late and alone
You might not come home.
Always pick up the phone.
Honey, I want you to come home."

My mother is always telling me this and I am sure many other parents are having this talk with their daughters about this as well. It's sad that the world has come to this. That humans have resorted to taking away others rights. That they have made others live in fear. Little girls shouldn't have to hear this and grown women shouldn't have to constantly look over their shoulder when walking at night. Women shouldn't have to live in fear of other humans taking advantage of them. They shouldn't have to considered being ***** when walking out at night or when picking out what to wear.
It's sad that things are like this now.
lost girl
Written by
lost girl
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