I feel most alive when I haven't slept much because it is then (or now) that I am least in control and it feels as though the hard calluses have been worn off and the softness of my hands has lost its skin and now the world is gritty- now it is wild, now it is free, and the morning air is fresh dawn dew brushing over my hoarse throat my sore feet gently held by the grass blades that do not cut- my soul and body is raw and stinging my memory is impaired and my mind transfers slowly, the filters have been removed and the neurons fire in all directions if you ask me a question I shall respond with a nod, a hug, or nothing for I do not know what I should do to elicit a reaction I only exist objectively and cannot change to fit the subjective this is me, take me as you will- I shall never be more free and alive than I am now, for I have forgotten how to keep control.