Venus eye trap please Accept my humblest apologies for allowing these normally perfectly well behaved pupils To rove carelessly across this shuddering carriage And interlock with your own For just a fraction Of a moment Too long.
From two rows ahead On the 42 bus.
Through no fault of my own I was caught off guard by a sudden and unexpected spike in interest, That caused my eyes, hypnotized To run their boorish and misogynistic fingers over the gleaming contours of your beautiful Ivory toothed smile.
Stolen goods. Simply intercepted. Not delivered to this godforsaken countenance But to the infinitely more charming Disembodied voice at the end of the line Invisible, omnipotent He's just shared with you what must be the best joke ever told by man.
Yes! I greedily consumed the ill-gotten merchandise and shamefully enjoyed it. Quivering with benign, desperate exhilaration like the man whose jaw is slowly locking around the cold and tasteless barrel of a gun.