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Oct 2014
The corner

An open volume lay dormant
Misted in a fine layer of dust ,
and cratered with droplets of dried up tears ,
A hollow pen ,
, fallen
, like that tree in the forest without an ear to listen
Highlights of a love
Slideshows , formed in words
Painted in ink
Just to reminisce
Pages filled in a foreground of love , affection , and happiness ,
But the background , empty
a promising future faded
As the foundation which all would be built is gone
The pen lay dormant amidst a pile of white
Lifeless dawns , that stretch into lost evenings
No future left to write
Inspiration dried up
The pen lay barren  
In a corner left alone
Since she said goodbye ...
Written by
Hank Van Well Jr  Nassau County
(Nassau County)   
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