I'd like to say that I'am a warm fuzzy person I'd like to say that this torture of waking up does'nt make me sick I'd like to say that the sun makes me smile. These would be lies the dark amuses me I enjoy dissapointing people I get a kick out of manipulating and controlling your thoughts and actions I compromise your God the sloth slow moving and never quick enough to fill my desires. If the day would come where we meet face to face I'd ask him to send me to purgatory where I belong because I know I dont deserve him. I pray in anger I pray to him to fullfill my wants I pray to him to make me wealthy This is not proper prayer This is not the way to talk to God they say. The life that was ment for me was of his making was it not So why does he make me suffer with this talent of making people sick to making people fear to me always being in need of the next high to me destroying, rebuilding, and destroying again? Why does he send me in this tail spin only to crash and burn to have the demons of hell rip my limbs each evening? Because of the secrets I hide from God and Others eyes I toss and turn hoping my prayers will be answered so I can be the person I was before so I can be warm and fuzzy again but the secrets I hide are not seen by your or Gods eyes so How do I release these secrets without opening the eyes of the world to my celler door? Where the secrets have been waiting to see a light and to be freed to the upstairs living quarters to be with the rest of the family. To be seen by your and Gods Eyes