be a poet, if you must... but know this, from one who cares.
it is an addiction, that will cause strife.
you will, learn stuff, you never really wanted to know.
you will, find pieces of your soul, best forgotten.
you will, stay awake late into the night, trying to twist a phrase til, it turns out just right.
there will be, tears and much, frustration.
at times you will, neglect your, everyday life.
oh there will be, angst and fear as you let your poems go and see your words fly... or plummet to the unforgiving ground.
and yes i cannot deny there will be joy, much euphoric joy, as you discover new words with which, to toy.
so be a poet, if you must if you have, a liking for garrets and starvation. enough to offset your word lust.
...just be original don't be a parrot write for you first and then for others strive for exquisite excellence.... but now it is a fragile dissapearing thing....
it is your life you get to choose your own folly...