1 Well, I've dated a few guys, sure - you know, being Ms Hyphen I'm sociable, like to bring people together that sort of thing So I dated that guy Exclamation Mark and what the hell, he was shouting all the time! He's just too excitable, not my type
Sure, Comma was more sedate but a little too slow for me, you know So I gave guys like Inverted Commas and Parenthesis a try - but hell, they were always trying to frame me So I like said to myself, maybe I'll try someone else from the Mark family, and woooh! - this guy was like questioning me all through dinner and I was like thinking to myself: What's with this guy? Where does he work? At the NSA or FBI or what? I guess you know who I'm talking about
Well, I dated all the other guys too like Semi-Colon and then Colon but you know, one liked to separate; and the other was always out with his smartphone listing things I said
2 So I nearly gave up dating when I thought - Hey what about Dash? That's a dashing fellow surely and he seems to be just like me (except he is - as is apt for a guy - long) but he was just like Semi-Colon - always separating people You got to bring people together in this world, you know; that's what this world needs
Yes, I dated Full Stop too but he was always getting me to stop and besides, he said his alias was Period - now that freaked me out, you know Hey, what kind of guy walks around with a name like Period?
I'll tell you like who's the worst guy to date, OK - that's Apostrophe: O listen darling, was he ever so possessive!
3 Well, I'll give my dating career a break - maybe come next year, I might try dating 2nd of February