His mind fires colors and shapes Into all empty, black spaces He hears the voice of his best friend, Henry, They’ve known each other for two minutes
The child knows his story, How he came from the same place that the fairytales do.
The child’s heart is open. The child’s innocence creates And Henry smiles, his red hair a strange color with no name.
And they laugh, The child watches a small horse Graze in the tall grasses of the prairie Henry laughs because he’s always been ticklish Right under his arms.
They whisper about their adventures How Henry saved the child from Oblivion. From the job of constantly pitting peaches
From the centipede as it marched To a war beat that only Henry and The child can hear.
Years later, the boy doesn’t know Henry. And he doesn’t know he ever did. That was beat out of him After he stole his first pack of chewing gum. And looked at his first *******. This is where poems come to die.