Caught in the snares of beauty I am a willing victim
As I lie next to Tate Naked in many ways
As I am lost in every Curve and lock of hair
As she proclaims " YOU ARE **** YOU ARE **** "
I paint over my nerves with directionless words of work and horses
Returning to me a bright smile with sparkling eyes she climbs onto me giggling
Dumbfounded by her words But i feel no need to question For i am wiery soul that seeks rest So gather your lies around me So I may shelter in your branches
Tell me your Sweet lies Take my money I will close my eyes
As I bury my sight like A mole in his hole A dark insecurity Eyes shut like a baby mouse Not ready for the world
But on opening my eyes I see her unmoved Striking eyes fixed on me Wide open like nets As though collecting All my past mistakes Grinding them into two shiny pearls As she looks back into me
And with a russian accent she says " I NO LIE I NO LIE" she shakes her head " YOU ARE **** " Fumbling hands reach out of my heart Wishing to catch such words But they are spilled As my disbelieveing soul Is already full with rejection Mine or the worlds It has all become blurred
But I care not for my heart rests easy As I am filled with gratitude Letting my Love just flow and flow