I hear your voice every time I hear the song approaching the top of my playlist And you know, there's a reason I always skip it I can't bear hearing your voice Even when I know you're not really there And the words whispered into my ear Were never yours in the first place The song makes my heart beat faster So much that I just Want It To End So I could live in a world without music for once Without that white noise in the background of my memory Reminding me of you Like your life is on replay A remix intertwined with mine Four bars of bittersweet harmony take me back To a time when I knew who I was I was your girlfriend Sweet and naive Turned into a monster I never wanted to be And that is the reason I can't bear to hear those four bars Not for you or for me For both of us I stay away
late dawns and early sunsets just like my favorite scenes then holding hands and life was perfect just like upon the screen.