I love kisses- they arm warm, soft, sometimes kinda gross they make you feel appreciated and wanted sometimes you catch little bursts of other peoples' dreams in them and little spurts of hope and desire I love kisses because I use them to express my love and that I simply have no better way to tell them no words or hug is good enough, so I must take the next step THIS is how much my affection is for you but what is confusing is the line drawn- the hug cannot be the epitome of love but you cannot kiss someone without it being romantic- why must the epitome of love be romantic? why must things change now and why must it be not-the-same and confusingly not how I meant it? kisses are beautiful things and I would like to share them with as many people as I can not to say 'quantity over quality' but rather that I would like to spread as much love, warmth, softness, and kind-of-grossness as I can until my time here is done.