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Oct 2014
herein I tell the tale of how "it's" and "its" entered into a suicide pact, and how I counselled them, and saved them from certain death

in fair paper and screensΒ Β 
where our sins mostly lie
there were born two asterik-crossed lovers:
it's and its
and though they did not die
they did marry
and they begot a child
the second it'sΒ Β -
though it has a life of its own

But in the hands of so many
were "it's" and "its" abused,
it was no longer funny
One said: *"The dog missed it's master"

(and people wondered if the dog is the master)
and another advised: "Seize the bull by it's horns"
and while many stood distracted by the meaning
the bull ****** its horns deep into their posteriors

And so were "it's" and "its" driven to woe
that they made a suicide pact
and I was commissioned to counsel them:
"Listen, it's the age of the
you're for your
there for their
(and vice-versa)
and people are no longer who but that;
an age in which people think an apple
is something you poke at"

And thus were it's and its consoled
and in my wisdom of the ages, I continued:
"Besides you've got your baby it's (it has) to think of"

And so it is I saved "it's" and the "its"
for our noble English Language,
turned comic what would have been tragic -
but what matters it anyway
when people still mess up the two
just as we mess up the earth
and misuse beliefs and religion
1)  it's = it is    2) it's = it has (It's been a long time since we last met.)
Raj Arumugam
Written by
Raj Arumugam  Australia
       Rachel, K Mae, Emmet, Dougie Simps, Md HUDA and 33 others
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