She comes to me bleeding inside from a thousand individual scars with pleading eyes self contained She speaks in gentle refrains
"I don't know where I'm going I don't know who I've become I go through the motions deaf, blind and dumb I dance on cue I stand in line I've tried to be so good. I've left behind the darkness I've forgiven the past I'm far too aware of time It doesn't matter really I don't mind I wish I could tell you what I find
The struggle between my internal world condemnation irritability judgement fears heartaches there, vile rages, petty hatreds *** dancing on the head of a pin exquisite laughter it's all there.
While my behavior is quite the opposite accommodating, loving, compassionate flirtatious, curious connection is my goal
When I'm alone I'm lonely when together suffocated the best distance is from here to there
I wish I could tell you that I mind
The storms still come and go luck rides the tides each day the sunrise
This human stuff is all too real it creeps up on you so you don't know how you feel
Which is why I've come to you to speak my mind they say you are the complaint department the garbage collector
I'm bleeding inside from a thousand scars that's not to say I really mind."
They say the healer must heal themselves so of course I ask "How can I help you?"