what does one do when the universal dew no longer contains galaxies? your skin does not smell of silence and the freshness of the sunrise has baked away all that is eternal- and yet, tomorrow will rise again, pulsing the endless heartbeat of loading, loading, loading, in this vast connectivity of life and death and never quite there? what does one do when death grabs you by the hair and drags you out the door and you are confused with the awareness that you are not self aware but your soul claimed the knowledge that one day, soon, it will die, and all things live and progress and end- people are things as well- we are scared that the last thing that's left in the world is not true- we shall pass, you shall pass, the grass regrows but it too ends- and now, it is not the same- for we know the grass has only the appearance of eternity, and the sun dies each night, and your grandmother will one day not be here, and neither will you, your soul shines bright but all matches burn out cannot live through the lives of those it ignites- even your children are not a lasting legacy of you they are only a legacy of themselves- their time will end too. so, what does one do?