Infatuated by the feel Could it be real Doubting myself My own disbelief Accompanied my interest Upon that which drained me My muscles tore As I pondered the possibilities Positive or negative impacts Lingered inside my skull Like a bad dream I couldn’t see what was in front of me I’d come home and think about the feel The way it made my hair stand up Or my stomach wring out I’d call in sick I’d sit around with this imaginative being Who could believe me It was beautiful Like no other I starred helplessly It had compelled me To focus Hypnotized by its ability to synthesize I was mesmerized by more than a set of eyes My life changed To something I’m happy I became My neck was finally able to lift my head My chest was finally able to inflate My shoulders felt weight I felt pressure To be absolutely perfect In hopes to be able to conquer all that I pondered How do I succeed? I wanted more of this new me How could I raise more? I wanted to be known I wanted to be loved I stared in the mirror look for inadequacies I shined my shoes and slicked back my hair My tie was real tight and my pants real high I loved myself The way I looked The way I felt My confidence Why wouldn’t anyone else? Until it disappeared I began to notice my lack of acknowledgement I fell in love with myself More than that which showed me love I didn’t recognize, appreciate or praise its beauty or intelligence It’s ability to make me better I was so in love with the man I was becoming That it started wrong from the beginning So wrong that I failed to call her by her name Instead of “it” I wanted to become better more than I wanted her She was therapeutic to my lifestyle Yet she fixed everything but the ultimatum The one who controls the lifestyle My appreciation was inexistent As my search for a new personality enriched I couldn’t even call her “she” I couldn’t even remember her name After months I would have heard it a million times But now It’s all I want to know I can remain without the love again But her name would give me that sense of hope Belief and direction Until I found a letter written in my name I pealed back the envelop and unfolded the coffee stained paper Hope eroded my body I wanted to know I was nervous and obsessed with the unknown The letter read to me: “You were inexistent in my life and obsessed with your own.
Anonymous.” She didn’t even add her name She knew I that I never knew She knew I never paid attention So much that she felt I was unworthy of knowing it My head fell from my neck My chest deflated My shoulders could not bare the weight I no longer felt how she made me feel I was inadequate to myself I was my own worst nightmare And although I now lived alone I slept with the devil every night