Snake in the grass slides stealthily slippery through the dry
c u d r s e h
slithering its way secretly 'round through the red forest with red leaves and red trees and red tape
He slithers quietly Creeps and crawls on his belly so
through Ferguson he slides Scraping the scab of a fresh, infected wound Stinging it with his tail his tongue
Snake in the grass Slides smoothly into Texas
Hex us Vex us Nexus Correct us
to the cusp of reason the the edge of insanity Siphoning tight in the barrel of their guns salivating at the fresh prey crawling in the distance
He's not so different from you and I
He's just like us //////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /////////////a///////////////////// ///////////sn/////////////////////////// /////////ake////////////////////// /////////in///////////////////////////// //////////the/////////////////////// ////////////gr///////////////////////// /////////////as/////////////////// //////////////s////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////