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Sep 2014
~Be You, Don't Change For No One~**

Smoking butterflies

Lilted with jade poison

Swirling into my jeweled lungs

I smile; high on madness


No one can defeat me now

The drug monster

Pulsing thru my veins

I feel I can rule this land


Though in reality

There is no such thing


Metaphors spill from my lips . . .

. . . my blood


Eyelids fluttering

Like the wings of a dove

Everything is blurry

White walls; nothing


I scream





In pain; lungs bursting

Mind racing

Heart beat beating---


I'm slowly dying

My paper body


Essence of butterflies


Floating around me

The ones I smoked

The ones I inhaled

They are killing me; whispered I


Though I am nothing but a page

Filled with Inkblots

Smudged . . .

My pen comes to save me; yet again


It rewrites me

Stitching new stories

Over my old scars

Creating a new me


Ink kisses my lips

Her chemicals seeping into my papery skin

Bleeding into me

I'm becoming a scroll


Decorated with so many rules


As I sigh

My pen stabs into me

Becoming me

I then scream ashes; everything fades black


Awakening . . .

I've become a notebook

Staring up at myself

I watch my own face





. . . Disturbed


Pen in my hand

I open myself

Taking the pen

The one, which stabbed me


Ink bleeds

Onto my pages

I feel my pain,

My obsessions, my happiness . . .


I watch as the spirit of writing

Leaves my body

Folding itself between my pages

Like a bookmark


The pen falls from my hand

Landing on me

I watch mystified

As the pen whispers


"No one can defeat you now

This is your land,

Your rules, your soul

Welcome to the notebook life'


"You wanted something better

So I remade you"


-B-but this is not what I want-

I plead; trying to cry

But notebooks don't cry

Only the ink can cry for me; the ink from my pen


The pen chuckled

"Then my friend . . .

Be careful what you wish for

You didn't want to be human"


"So I made you

Into something better

You are useful now

You are popular"


I tried to scream

But I saw myself get up, snatching the smiling pen

I closed myself

Only to be open again when needed . . .
-Be You- Don't change for anyone only for yourself- [The poem is a bit strange but its about not changing for anyone, just be you, because you are beautiful, Sometimes I don't like who I am but I have to remind myself that I'm different . . . you get the idea]
Shadow Paradox
Written by
Shadow Paradox
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