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Sep 2014
I remember endless miles of dusty gravel,
My bus rider's sweaty hands
Leaving muddy grime,
Gripping rigid seats,
Dreading the monster in back
Whose sudden summons meant abuse:
Thumping heads,
Nameless dreads.

Cruel laughter
From the helpless others'
Deep-drilled belief
That no one cared,
That living through grade school
Meant being scared,
Meant pain in the gut,
Meant years of climbing
Out of isolation.

Brought sweat to my palms as memories returned. I have dedicated my life to providing safety to my students in part due to hard time I spent traveling 80 miles per day over dusty Montana gravel roads on an old yellow bus with a monster in the back seats.... Nearly 50 years later, I may tell the rest of the story, but not yet....
Don Bouchard
Written by
Don Bouchard  64/M/Minnesota
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