The bell rang a hopeful tone to all the students for it means their torture is over. But not for the boy. For he'll get followed, and teased. Horrible words flung at him as he exits the cold halls. He puts his head down and keeps on moving, ignoring the cruel jibes. He has to ignore them, because those words do not define him.
He's outside now and he falls down. No one tripped him this time. Everyone was laughing surrounding him in a cruel circle. He felt like a circus freak, the clown that made everyone laugh at his own expense. I'll do it.
"Everyone back off! The boy heard a voice break through. "What's you're problem! "Leave him be!" The crowd dispersed, and the boy sat there quietly. Preparing to face his new attacker. But this kid didn't attack him.
I reached out my hand The boy looked up slowly, he saw the hand outstretched toward him. I saw him breathe deeply, Then he reached for my hand. There was an instant connection, an understanding between them. The boy looked up at the kid his grateful smile made the kid happy. I'm glad I intervened
The boy was helped up, and escorted by the kid, out of his Hell. I think this will work. I think I can help him, and he can help himself. He just needed a hand, to pick him up, when he's knocked down.
I'm scared, I might get bullied too "You don't have to help me." The boy whispered quietly. I froze at those words. He sounded so alone, so helpless. I was like that once. "I do, and I will" The kid whispered back.
It's hard to fight this all alone, ....but the start of the solution needs that helping hand.
I think i'll conclude this series with one more poem after this one. :)