CONFESSIONS OF A DROPOUT: DEAR EDUCATION I am caught up in the ideal world where I breeze through the fast paced life I look back and I see no one not even my own shadow Life dumped me on a rainy day because I wanted to become of this generation I was everything to pretend friends Life seemed worth it with everything but you The drugs, the cars, the money and the alcohol… ****! I even drank methanol But when push came to shove I had to grow up By then life had already given me deathly blows that were beyond me Deathly blows that sent me to a dark pit, a dark pit were life ceases to exist God himself knows that I am beyond saving grace since I am a different case Truth be told I dug my own grave Now I am a slave to this burning rage I now believe I am going to rot in this cage Poverty looked and me said when I grow up I want to be like that girl Pain looked at me and shed tears….. Death visited me and renounced its existence So dear education if you ever get this letter know that I send my sincere apologies I wish I could have listened, I wish we could have been friends more I now live a life of regret were I dream of having a ride on death’s train I wish you could take me back but furthermore I pray that you lend me a dying wish Dear education…… please do accept my apologies!