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Sep 2014
It burns my heart,
Right to my soul,
Seeing you with another,
God, just let me go.

It was like a dagger in me,
Yet you let me bleed,
Because you didn't know,
You didn't know.

Why was it you,
The one who never really cared?
Rarely had your arms around me,
But now I'm completely bare.

I wish it would stop,
The pain is hurting me.
But you had to carry on,
Carry on torturing me.

I wish more than anything,
For you to love me.
But you don't notice me,
You let me be.

I love you,
I wish I could tell you.
It's my secret,
But you don't care about the truth.

I'm sorry,
I'll take the blame,
For being me,
I walk with my head down in shame.
My bleeding heart.

I called it 'Lalalala' because I didn't want another 'Untitled' again.
Also, please forgive me, this is one of my old pieces, so it might not be so good. But,I hoped you enjoyed it either way. I'll be posting some of my old works now, just to keep you interested:)
Bipolar Hypocrite
Written by
Bipolar Hypocrite  In Crazy.
(In Crazy.)   
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