I can't breathe well
For I have been wrapped
Now, I am trapped...
I am usually sweet,
But sometimes I come sour,
Most often crunchy, though now
I've been sliced,
Sprinkled profusely
With sugar and spices.
Occasionally, I am latticed,
But today, I've been topped,
Adorned with slits
Which doesn't help one bit,
For I could hardly vent.
What goes on next
I can't stand any longer.
There's hot air escaping,
Still, I can't very well breathe,
For I have been wrapped,
I am inevitably trapped...
I am now a perfect circle,
Steaming hot...smelling good...
Soon to be sliced, served, eaten...
I am a plate of freshly baked
Apple Pie...
Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***If we allow ourselves to be manipulated or victimized,
we have only ourselves to blame, for ending up
"wrapped and trapped," like a plate of apple pie...***