to foresee a massive catastrophe catastrophe and its associated calamity calamity destruction and vast devastation devastation in a massive catastrophe
the seas swelling to magnitude great great their height of mountainous proportions proportions which are awesome to espy espy the magnitude of the seas
volcanoes erupting spewing forth much lava lava flows uncontrollably over the lands lands burning in the lava fire which doesn't subside subside the fire will not
buildings in cities and rural locales shaking shaking and rattling tectonic plates impacting impacting on man's planet, tremors felt far and wide wide the expanse of the Earth's shaking
men, women and children affected by the catastrophe catastrophe foretold in ancient text text which we've perused from time to time time to refresh our modern day minds
man can't circumvent the immensity which shall unfold unfold the catastrophe shall to our sight sight the calamity and its associated ruin ruin which is foreseen in ancient text