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Aug 2014
There is a small village, tucked under the arctic circle, in this village I met lonely. He was a stand up guy.

His shoulders,broad and spread apart. Ready to lift broken spirits and alcohol bottles. This man gave my heart a chance to truly palpitate. To rhythmically shock my ribs with a frequency unheard by the human ear.

This mans eyes, were deep. Swirling ideas of not coming back and don't pick up the phone. A land far way laid behind that iris. One where family was unknown and friends were ever changing.

His smile, crooked. Bent between the weight of the sky. Melted from the suns happiness.

We talked, for a while. He convinced me I was better than that. He told me that I didn't need anything more than my heart and mind to discover freedom.

From that moment, I could breathe. And when I started breathing, I started living. From this point on will be history.
Written by
JWolfeB  27/M/Cairo, Egypt
(27/M/Cairo, Egypt)   
       Pamela Rae, ---, ---, namii, krissie and 21 others
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