The boss at christmas is named John He runs a church festival on the church lawn His staff doesn't know the difference What? They ******* refference? Between a platter and a plate And I don't know what the hell I ate? One Shishkabob and rice Ain't that nice Humus was so gross From your heads to your toes Taboule is suppose to be some kind of salad Won't someone make this into a ballad? Overpricing and that's the icing! Belly dancing And people prancing A band and A DJ and that's okay! What else more can I say? After all these years he's still cheap Leave a message after the beep!
The Boss at Christmas was written in the 80's and made American Poetry Anthology book in 1984 Fall/Winter vol 3 book 3+4 page 412 About a cheap boss that didn't want to buy his wife a present on Christmas now he runs a church festival Are you kidding me So it deserved a sequel many years later lol!