Her look and countenance evinced to me that this Lady was a lonely sunset; Held to her fate - stifled by the thought of static inevitability.
Sunset, can't you look, see in front of you? Or are you blinded by your own twilight? If you could hold on, I could show to you That after your sad descent, is sunrise.
I hear you say, "Have to hurry down, Yeah - Hurry down Sunset, get dark like wine, won't see - won't find any suffering." But why? Do you think being alone will make it fine?
There is no need for you to keep yourself at bay; - no need to shine brilliantly and fade away, simply because you're afraid.
So maybe, in time - we will together seek The sun behind the clouds, on rainy days- And thus allowed to let our minds play, I'll show you how your star is unique.