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Aug 2014
Yes, we shall walk amongst fallen leaves
And acorns scattered in the woods
We'll sip iced-tea on the porch
And Coca-Cola in the shade
We'll step over mushrooms
Of a creamy, ivory hue
We'll hold hands when we take walks
In the meadows of lush green
Everything will be happy
My dear one, have no fear
For this is our wish
For each other
Just to live in harmony
Maybe to sit and relax
On the old wooden porch swing
Or curl up on the hammock
Just for an afternoon nap
I'll pick some daffodils and irises
And even make you a daisy chain
And necklaces made of dandelions
That look like pure golden sunshine
We'll go to the creek
Hidden amongst thick, dense forest trees
We'll sit on the big, rocky boulders
Or wade in the cool water
In the evenings
Inside our old-fashioned dream home
We'll gather together in the parlor
Just all three of us
And write poetry by the fireside
Everything's quiet
Except for the ticking of clocks
And the crackle of flames
From our grand old fireplace
So, we'll keep on wishing, mother dear
Our wish for each other
Maybe some day soon--
Some happy day
Our wish will come true

Wrote this in my notebook and wanted to post it!! :) ~~~~<3
This is dedicated to my Mom, Hilda...
It is inspired by her poem "Dreams"
Which was a poem she dedicated to me
And also inspired by her other poem "My Dream For You"!!!
Hope you all enjoy this, especially my Mom!! :) ~~~~<3
Written by
Marian  Faerieland and in my head
(Faerieland and in my head)   
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