someone important to me once said that as a writer he always needs to do something with his hands and thats why he smokes maybe i just want to see what it feels like to survive a forest fire or set myself on edge or maybe my lungs crave experience the feeling of something that isnt oxygen they might get tired of the same old thing maybe their exhaustion has just spread throughout my whole entire body i get the feeling that sometimes you stir and smile in your sleep sometimes you are thinking about the wedding band on my finger i wonder if you ever get the urge to move it a finger over i coax my reality into a state of calmness by reassuring it with silly dreams and words i think would feel good being whispered out of your mouth i havent met a single person that wished they could be in control of someone else's lips instead we just press them to our own and whisper sweet words and shift the mood of the emotion calendar pack me in a suitcase and if i die before we reach our destination of sprawling castles and empty dialect at least my dreams were above the clouds but because i hate planes so much they were probably curled up in a puddle of ***** "at least i was with you," they will exchange soft words as they sift on a messy bed trying to reach a comfortable state of being and mind and pulse life into one another again maybe they will even attempt some work on me look at how bright your future is they whisper as they hold me steady in front of a moving train i cant see anymore i cant see anymore it is impossible to thrash are they taunting me? are they raining on my parade? are they are they are they? would they would they would they? their grips are like the blood pressure machine stop squirming, you ******* you useless human flesh havent you realised i've inhabited other minds before? i know what theirs looks like oh yes inside and out nobody is as fragile as you are through every wire every twist and turn you try to sneak past me with nobody so blessed so beautiful curl up and breathe life into my brain my bones should automatically respond i will stretch i will stretch i am like a dog on a cold morning in a warm bed with someone who radiates love toward him i will twitch my tail and dance like a spring when you creak off of the bed and i will follow you into the dismal day