You choose to stare at brush strokes instead of your media You choose to live in some vague attempt at what some call "culture" And look down on those who prefer the rest
Your tastes are what you call "unique" But you're in a flock of black sheep
You will look down on me Because you don't deem me worthy of some great thinker whose name you can't pronounce
You will look and groan about how kids really shouldn't be allowed here because they just don't get it Because we don't fit your melancholy and expressionless identity
And it's true We're not a part of your empty pride
We will look at a landscape or portrait and smile or maybe frown Because it makes us feel something
We don't care for the culture around it
We're only here
Because it makes us feel
And isn't that the point?
Art isn't supposed to be shoved to the top of a podium
It isn't supposed to be sat behind glass while some snobs stare through intently Not really sure what they're looking at