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Aug 2014
I’m listening.

I promise I am.

To the buzzing bees

that surround me

and ask why I have no nectar.

I did not say I was contributing.

Why not try those new yellow flowers

over there?

A sure success

Oh, and by the way –

welcome back.

I’m listening to the warbler

You look a little ragged, sir –

long day yesterday? I can relate.

And my advice is:

take a break.

That stick that fell next to me?

Yes, I heard it.

But I also felt the air move

And a fear of collision

So close.

The woodpecker drumming is loud, pronounced –

As I look for the tree that bears the wound.

Your coat of red, dear Cardinal

Is the focus of my world,

and the water a cascade of white as well as sound.

So, clearly, I am listening

But I am distracted.
Kerry Jeanne
Written by
Kerry Jeanne  Earth
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