Precious moments , precious moments Where all the curves in our time lead As ancient promises are fulfilled And the air speaks with a delicate whisper As I hold my breath As the moment did all my breathing Like it contained a heart beat
But here comes the megalomaniac Explosive words of dynamite Climatic , craters in the air I despair , For I am nothing more Than another field for harvest As uncontrollable envy erupts The megalomaniac can not stop Like president Putin all armies Push on with out him
Voices scream and holla STOP STOP STOP Ears drowned out by jealousy He can not hear , as his armies Trample , all over precious moments Many tanks Many bombs I am left shell shocked , as the obsessed Megalomaniac pushes on blindly Hypnotized by his insecure arrogance
My broken heart weeps With its insufficient soul having no ability to Recover precious moments As he wakes with a stretch , a yarn A mind clear and without consequence While years later I am in darkness Still searching internal forests Of great wisdom , so that Some where I may find my forgiveness
You never reach the megalomaniac They never listen , only to inner voices saying CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL Never stopping to think AM I HARMING Possessed by power Sponsored by a world of fears But I know I must forgive If only the pain I carry could be seen My soul would seek its equilibrium But megalomaniac's never see In a strange irony they destroy That witch they envy And seek to control
I must forgive I see My heart clenched like a fist As I fear the sun will never Again rise within me I sit , so very still In hope that my heart May find its forgiveness For I have felt glimpses Of forgiveness shine through The leaves within this dark forest As occasional breaks in clouds Draw me closer to clarity
Although i live in shadows and the Megalomaniac has long since left the scene I see his lost ,contorted , twisted mind A burden of struggling confusion And I am brought to compassion As I see he is lost , just like me I seek to stretch into greater space And begin to give GIVE A little before FOR So that i may be free Before he can even see