Waiting at the window for your very first date. Suddenly he is there Heart beats at a faster rate The knees are knocking Like you're a one-man-band Hands start to shake You dont understand. It's just called love. Cupid has shot his arrow The rose petals rain on you out of the gardener's barrow. Butterflies surround you Your cheeks have gone very red He touches you, you're in love Fetch more petals from the rose bed. Sprinkle them up the aisle You look lovely dressed in white The bride radiates loveliness and love Tears flow, smiles broaden, what a sight. He says "I do" she says the same thing The best man of all rushes forward with the eternal gold ring. It's just called love. How sweet, how neat The clothes are in the suitcase Honeymoon the rest of their lives to live and love It,s the way of the world. it is what we do, just love.