you are leaving us now God is calling you Home and as we wait selfishly and angrily unknowingly saying ...refusing to say goodbye to you we hold back our tears we can't let you see us cry because deep down we know you want to stay here too the fight you have given over the course of time has inspired the heart of the world and has reconstructed mine watching you go through hell and keeping your mind staying with a smile even as you decline and with every treatment and with every transfusion you proved to us over and over again the power of God isn't just an illusion for you have beat the odds time and time again you have kicked the crap out of the devil right til the very end I cannot say goodbye because that's a message I cannot send For in these last few years you have become far more than a patient you have become a friend I will remember your laugh and how you joked through all the pain I will remember how much you hated using that blasted walker and cane
The memories are worth a visit and soon it will be the only way to find you but just know, even if we cannot be there in physicality in spirit we are always right beside you
Goodbyes are non existent to me, so for now, I'll see you soon. Love you Ruth.