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Jul 2014
be quiet and still
small and silent
and you will see
wonderous things

these were the sage
words of my grandfather

once a month,
we would go to
a grove in the woods
and learnt the art
ofΒ Β patient watching....

i remember the first time
i saw an echidna rustle by
and the slow movement
of a blue toungue lizard
moving with the sun...

rabbits and foxes
wallabies, a koala
backing down a tree

but the day that still
delights, is the day
as we sat still and quiet
butterfly's alighted
by the hundreds to
become a carpet
of pure flickering enchantment

and i knew this was life....
at it's finest....and most wonderous.....
this lesson taught to me be a quiet and generous man...
has been one of my go to
saving graces...for all my life
the ability to become still and quiet...and see the world
as it moves about you...
really gives a deep stability
to each and everyday...
Written by
betterdays  F/east coast australia
(F/east coast australia)   
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