Somehow your heart enzymes inveigled a way into my system I surmise it was your energising tongue which smuggled them in my pseudoanaphylactic longing to snuggle in vein against your protein its aim a happy interaction tugged by frenzied polypeptide chains
when your petite triglycerides coil avidly around my pH changes hydrolysis replenishes steroids to stop any pleasure level plunge so that functional-group transfers may intervene at all active sites supervising where coenzymes await love's coursing stem cell sights
that photosynthesise my eyes to sensitise to you despite the dark dancing in all my living cells with infectious smiles an epidemic when your DNA can't polymerase enough of the audacious lipids pleasing as they kiss the density away of fatty acids on soft lips
that release protease inhibitors in ways not too selective so our hearts find their metabolic pathway audaciously live and offer themselves completely to a frolic in love reactive
by Anthony Williams Enzymes are protein catalysts that, like all catalysts, speed up the rate of a chemical reaction without being used up in the process.