I am an altar boy inside the Church of Continuous Wasted Opportunities. Smell that pungent incense? It is most definitely all that it seems to be. This God’s gift to mankind is what the three wise men were really trafficking—bringing forth a dank Exodus unto the Savior’s parents. They didn’t inhale the serpent’s lure, of course. Rejoice, one and all, across the land! Hallelujah, all ye indigo children of the desert! Now, a reading from the Book of Wardo, verse four, passage twenty: “And it was told that the ancient Aryana region would offer up such magical wonderment, derived from the sacred Kush bush, assisting the holiest disciples who prefer a mystically passive respite—for these blessed aficionados represent the completely frazzled and yet cautiously chosen few.”
From, The Transitive Nightfall Of Diamonds, due out 8/14 from iUniverse books