As I frustratedly write this poem I cannot find the right words to rhyme All I'm asking is,who am I? I do not mean to ask you that really But its a question for myself I could not clearly see what I'm here for I sometimes barely stand on my own For I shed a tear last night On my pillow who I hugged tight I'm lost in these valleys and plains I run towards the hills, Climb the impossible mountain Swim the impossible sea Reach for the stars Very very far as I can see. I lie down on my bed tonight Slowly flashing every memory. Oh so vivid! Everytime it crosses my line I draw it shorter in time And find myself Having the beginning and the end At the same time. How wrong of me to shorten my own race I could not see my end nor my beginning I stand infront slowly taking in every moment of a second Minute by the clock Blood running through my own vivid veins Tears holding back Fear tucked inside And the clock yells GO! And i run and run and run Never to be seen again.