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Jul 2014
When you can't sleep
You're never really awake
But you're never really asleep.
Yes that was stolen from Fight Club
But it captures the feeling perfectly
Of restless nights
My mind is wandering everywhere
But then
Not moving at all
And i try to count sheep
How does the universe work?
No stupid brain go to sleep!
But it doesn't.
I have to get up in 4 hours.
Is there even a point of sleeping now?
Or will this just be another restless night
Of endless wonder and sudden desires?
I try to sound poetic
But it's hard when you have to get up in 3 hours
And the sun is just hitting the horizon.
Darkness is still enveloping me though.
There is no escaping it.
Maybe that's what insomnia is?
Not being able to sleep, to appreciate the dark.
2 hours now.
I can hear a bird chirping.
I still haven't slept a wink
Maybe this pillow just needs flipped over
And Again
It's never really cold.
They should make that
1 hour now
I can hear people start moving on the streets
Fully awake and ready to start the day
Cup in hand
The alarm goes off
Or does it?
Thats weird
The clock says 11 PM.
Well, time for bed I guess.
Written by
Brendan Holland
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