Like the ancient Greek gods and goddesses It is a boastful caricature of qualities To some it is heaven, nirvana, swarga loka A promise of better days to come If they can once (just once) be good enough Its a pure soul, a blissful life A polished floor, the colors of space Perfection is everything
Perfection is nothing Like the ancient Greek gods and goddesses It is too full of itself, pretentious and vain To some it looks like heaven, nirvana, swarga loka Far away but they want to touch If only they could wash the stains from their souls
But those stains are necessary They are the stars in the sky The universe is composed of inkstains blended together Accidents exist but if we look We can see the imprints the leave The cosmos, the stars Hurricanes and fires Newborn babies, hope and love
Lost limbs and burnt eyes Death and cruel lies Are not perfection But they help us see the strength in us They help us find real love By embracing imperfection we learn to live