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Jul 2014
I'm sitting here doing everything I can not to blame myself
I have no other answers
I'm contemplating the last thought that zoomed past your mind
Before you knew it was time
And if suicide was your only way out
How did you truly live your life
Is loving someone else possible
When all you did was sit and want to die
You said I was the reason you stayed
So I must of been the reason you drifted away
And whether or not I put that rope around your neck
I still hate myself to this day
How could I say I love you
But let you leave me
And believe me
This is not easy
Life is not easy
I can listen to everyone around me
Tell me that I wasn't selfish
But why is it that every time I close my eyes I see you
You smile and then you frown
My world gets turned upside down
What if I can't love someone the way I loved you
What if someone can't love me the way you loved me
What if I sit here for the rest of my life knowing that I let love slip through my fingers like its sand
And when you see sand you never think about each grain individually
You never appreciate someone until they're gone
Don't tell me that there are other fish in the sea
She was my sea
Written by
   ---, AJ and Tark Wain
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