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Jul 2014
You think you know me
Think I'm the joker of the pack,
Reading me isn't easy,
Many faces do I put up
To hide the many cracks that rise,
But I hide behind laughter, anger just below
I have to keep control.
Never to lose an inch, never to explode,
I am a puddle, calm on the surface
But turbulent under that,
I am a shallow lake
But all you see is a refection
Not really seeing what stirs beneath that,
Do not
Think you know my troubles
That lie just beneath the cracks,
Deep breaths,
Holding the tears back,
I wish to put it behind me
But times it runs, comes from behind,
Hitting me hard in the back.
Winding my emotions
Tears and rage flow
Take control
You stole a part of me
Something that even with time I can never get back.
Poetic T
Written by
Poetic T  On Oblivions Doorstep
(On Oblivions Doorstep)   
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