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Jul 2014
her bitter vetch
                          is unyielding
                                                she is a spiteful girl
upon the landscape                                                                             ­
she spews her gall
its acrid coldness
felt on these tablelands
a reception of welcome
she'll never gain or garner
for her freezing disposition
is so cruel and biting hard
she is unrelenting in venting
her spleen of freeze
                                                                ­                                 the countryside
                                                     ­                         bears witness
                                                  to her gelid duress
                              the season of winter
is a severe mistress

                                                              ­                    oh spring's warmer climes
                                                                ­                  the hours of sunlit glee
                                                                ­                  shall lift the spirits
                                                                ­                  so mirthfully
Elizabeth Squires
Written by
Elizabeth Squires
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